Author: Claudia Gray
Page Count: 327
Release Date: May 01, 2008
Publisher: HarperTeen
Series: Evernight #1
Genres: YA, Vampires, Fantasy, Romance
Genres: YA, Vampires, Fantasy, Romance
Source: Purchased (Ebook)

Read summary on Goodreads, here.
Bianca has just been enrolled at Evernight Academy and she's not exactly thrilled and decides to runaway. During her attempted runaway, she meets another Evernight student, Lucas. She can already tell there's something different about him she's just not sure what it is yet. During their time together at Evernight Bianca and Lucas become very close but they're both hiding secrets that the other isn't meant to know.
Bianca was an okay lead character, although not my favorite or strongest. There were times when I thought she could have made some better choices. Lucas, while he wouldn't have been my choice, I think him and Bianca are perfect for each other. He accepts who she is and she accepts him, although I'm not sure if that'll be true in the books to follow, anything can happen, but for now that's how it is. Balthazar was my favorite. He seemed so nice and sincere.
The book was kind of slow to start of with but thankfully picks up as you read. I liked the twists to the vampire myths. I thought some were a bit strange at first but then I remembered reading about sparkling vampires and the strangeness kind of disappeared. There was also a few little twists that I enjoyed. One I didn't see coming and the other was kind of predictable. There was sort of a cliffhanger but not a big one but I definitely want to read the rest of the series.
The cover is not my favorite but it is different than others I've seen and I like the font.
Rating: 5/5
Review also posted to Goodreads.